Whirlybird Day

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Take a trip with me . . . Hello my friends, I’ve offered you that invitation before. We’ve gone some places together, and now - here is the next destination. A book of connected short stories, the connection being that they all happen on the same day, in the same small Missouri town. While it is fiction, it is woven from the people and situations and attitudes I knew growing up. And yes, there really was a Whirlybird Day. And there really was a Cecil.

Writing this book was an interesting experience - an exercise in memory and meaning. It was quite different than making music. With music, there are so many ways to fill up space - words, sounds, textures, . . . drum solo . . . But with writing, well - there’s only writing. And with music, I kind of know what I’m doing. This was new, this took time and patience, and the scary sense of being a beginner.

I hope you enjoy Whirlybird Day. I’ve tried to make something real and interesting, something subtle and resonant, and possibly familiar.

And I do hope you’ll order a copy directly from me, that I can sign and personalize for you. It is also available on Amazon, paperback, ebook, and audiobook.

click here to ORDER - signed and personalized copy of Whirlybird Day - US orders

click here to ORDER signed copy of Whirlybird Day - International orders

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click here to order the audiobook - read by Bob

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